Updates on actual yarn prices sold in the global market.

Our Vietnam yarn price database is a comprehensive resource that encompasses a wide range of yarn types, including cotton yarns, cotton-polyester blends (CVC/TC), polyester-viscose blends, and 100% polyester yarns, all available within the domestic market.
In the past week, Cotco has taken the initiative to share the latest yarn prices offered in the Vietnamese market with its followers. Today, we are proud to continue providing you with up-to-date information on the actual yarn prices sold in global markets. 
The data we present is meticulously collected by Cotco, extracted directly from real orders placed within the group of factories for which Cotco proudly acts as an agent. This ensures complete transparency, establishing a solid foundation based on the quality-to-price ratio and the impeccable reputation maintained throughout every stage of the transaction, from initial offerings to post-purchase service.
In addition to our dedication to providing reliable pricing information, Cotco offers top-notch logistics services, ensuring that our customers not only receive quality products but also have unwavering trust in our commitment to their satisfaction.
When you choose Cotco, you’re not just accessing a database; you’re entering into a partnership built on trust, quality, and excellent service. We invite you to come to Cotco and experience the unparalleled level of service and dedication we bring to the industry.
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COTCO is also a yarn agent for textile factories in Vietnam, for more information, please contact:📞/Wechat +84 (28) 3589 9978 / 3622 2272
Maria: +84 93 4110120
Tracy: +84 82 3793768
📧 yarn@cotco-vn.com

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