Smart Solutions for Spinning Success – 4S

Founded in the year 1962, LMW is today is one of the very few companies in the world that offer the complete range of spinning machinery -from Blowroom to Winder. LMW has invested heavily in R&D to ensure Indian and global customers are offered superior value through cutting edge technology.
LMW has embarked on a mission to provide unmatched value to customers and this shall be achieved through its ‘Smart Solutions for Spinning Success’, or ‘4S’ as it is popularly referred to.
What exactly is 4S?
The SMART concept from LMW is based on 9 fundamental principles including:
1. Machines and solutions that are built to deliver superior value
2. Focus on Mission Critical Automation
3. Leveraging technology like IoT and the world wide web to offer connected machines for informed decision making
4. Incorporating technology that makes LMW machines adaptable to dynamic operating parameters
5. Machines that are built to suit any spinning application
6. Products and solutions that are backed by extensive in-house research
7. Co-creation of customer success
8. Superior customer service and
9. Ensuring sustainability for the customer in a VUCA world.
LMW machines are built to achieve the following:
i. Reduce environmental footprint
ii. Reduce resource dependency
iii. Minimize waste
iv. Generate increased income